| Fastido: The Most Terrifying Boss Battle in Hogwarts's Heritage

Fasting is a new character presented in Hogwarts's Heritage, and this is one of the most terrifying battles with bosses in the game. That's all you need to know about the terrible poltergeist and about where you can encounter him.

Who is Fasting in the quest Heritage of Hogwarts, go about your business?

Fasting is a new character in the Harry Potter franchise and the main villain in the quest Heritage of Hogwarts, do your own business. According to the legends of the game, a mischievous antagonist was a poltergeist who terrorized students during the winter semester 1890-1891 at the Hogwarts heritage.


Fasting lives in a chest on the lower floors of a ghost store in Hogs mid, which belongs to Cassandra Mason. Although the new character does not have much backstory, Poltergeist quickly impressed the players as one of the most terrifying battles with the bosses in Hogwarts's Heritage.

However, Fasting can only be found in an exclusive quest for the PlayStation Minding Your Own Business. While Sony is currently exclusive to a vile poltergeist, the storyline of the Haunted Hogsmeade store will ultimately be available to Xbox, PC and Steam Deck somewhere in 2024.

How to unlock the quest Do not go about your business in the Ho tarts Heritage

Take care of your business quest first becomes available during winter of the school year. Walking along the snowy Hogs mid, you will meet a house elf named Penny. NPC will ask you if you want to have your own store, which will begin the mission of the late game. After talking with the current owner of Cassandra Mason, you will be instructed to clean the store and make repairs. On the lower floors of an abandoned store, you will first encounter a terrible poltergeist Fasting. Performing an exclusive quest for PlayStation will bring you a reward with your own Hogs mid store and a cosmetic set of Fasting shopkeeper. To receive additional information about the Hogwarts Heritage, read the article How to Pass the Load Room Frame 2 in Hogwarts's Heritage. Here in Pro Game Guides.


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