Near future hacking RPG Midnight Protocol released on October 13! Even if it becomes an ally of justice, it will be a hacker of evil!
Publisher Iceberg Interactive and Belgium Developer Lugus Studios released Hacking RPG Midnight Protocol on October 13, 2021, and brought a launch trailer together. This work is a tactical RPG that has a hacking on the stage of the near future world. The player can play with only the keyboard, and accesses virtual space using a home terminal that can be operated on the keyboard. The player is a prominent hactivist that has been threatened from the organization s organization s organization (a hacker for the purpose of political and social claims), why hacking is repeated, why repeated hacking And how to find the truth of how it has been exposed. I can do various ways of using my own hacking skills, but in STEAM pages, I worked with the police and track hackers working in fraud, and threaten my husband to get a husband who is desperate to regain a suspicious photo An example of being able to be done. The player can choose these acts by itself, and the act of black hat, gray hat, whit...