
Showing posts with the label Titanfall franchise

Respawn Share a confusing message about the future of Titanfall

These last days, ResPawn Entertainment has been giving several confusing messages about the future of the Titanfall franchise. On Monday, Jason Garza , Community Study Coordinator, said that they were not doing Nothing about the third installment of the series , and now, the official account of respawn in twitter has contradicted these statements. Currently, respawn is working on new content for Apex Legends and, surely, in the sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order . However, on the morning of this Thursday, September 23, they shared a message that contradicts the statements of Garza : Contrary to what many are reporting, Titanfall is the nucleus of our DNA. Who knows what the future brings us ... CONTARY TO WHAT SOM FOLKS ARE REPORTING, TITANFALL IS THE VERY CORE OF OUR DNA. WHO KNOWS WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS ... Respawn (@respawn) September 23, 2021 These statements definitely do not confirm that respawn have another game of titanfall in development, but it is enough to give...