The head of advanced graphics technology, 'Simagraph Asia 2022', December 6, Daegu

Paragraph Asia will be held in Daegu Eco from December 6-9.

Paragraph Asia is the world's largest computer graphics and interactive technology conference, where industry workers and experts participate to share the latest graphic technology trends and related information. In Daegu, it was the second time to attract the Sea graph Asia 2022, which was held offline, following the Paragraph Asia 2020, which was held online. The event is hosted by the American Computer Association, the Korean Computer Graphics Society, the Korean HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) Society, and the Korea Graphics.

Chung Soon, a professor of Jungkook National University and chairman of the event, said, The SIGTRAP Asian event was held in Korea in 10 years in 2020, but it was a pity for Corona. Paragraph Asia is trying to provide a better platform to communicate with global pioneers on computer graphics and the latest technologies, and it will provide awe to all participants.

The Paragraph Asia 2022 is largely composed of trade conferences and exhibitions, and its main programs include technical paper that judges and discusses new academic works, computer animation festivals, and art galleries featuring the world's leading animation houses. There is also a field experience so that visitors can approach graphic technology.

In the keynote and sessions, computer graphics researchers, developers, and artists participate, leading to lectures that cover the latest topics in the CG field. The keynote lecturer is Luke Julia CSO, who is in charge of artificial intelligence and human-machine interface, connection and software research and development in Renault Group, and Lee Sung-ho, CEO of District, a realistic design contents company. Luke Julia CSO considers 'artificial intelligence', which has been a hot topic for several years, and Lee Sung-ho mentions the future of the new 'realistic content' that technology and art fused.

The Paragraph Asia 2022 site will include various global companies and research and technology groups such as Adobe, AMD, Autodesk Korea, Disney Research, Epic Games, Microsoft Research, NC soft, Nvidia, and Seoul Robotics. In addition, in the field, a recruitment exhibition will be held in the graphics and various industries to recruit new and career workers, or to introduce industry and companies to industry-aspiring students.


For more information about Paragraph Asia 2022, please visit the official website.


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