Football Manager 2022: Better Animations, Data Hub

L Epic Games Store (aussi appelé Epic Games Launcher ou Boutique Epic Games) est une plateforme de distribution de contenu en ligne et de gestion des droits développée par Epic Games et disponible depuis le 6 décembre 2018. L’Epic Games Store accueille 60 millions d’utilisateurs actifs mensuels depuis son lancement.

Sports Interactive and Sega have presented some features from the Football Manager 2022 (from 54.99 € for pre-order). So the game should get better animations while the Data Hub acts as a contact point for everything that has to do with data and performance analyzes. FM22 will appear on Steam, Epic Games Store and the Microsoft Store on November 9th. It will also be available directly to the launch with the Xbox Game Pass for PC.

Manager will benefit from the same reporting methods and analyzes, which use real clubs for their success in the new data hub, and thus can perfect their planning before the game. As soon as they have taken place on the digital tribune, they can get the most realistic game events so far Experience series that is possible through a brand new animation engine and a variety of KI improvements.

Data Hub: From here, the managers can view the power metrics of the team to analyze where things run properly over the 90 minutes playing time and where there is room for improvements. There is also the possibility of analyzes for individuals To see players within the squad to recognize strengths on which one can build, and weaknesses that you should tackle on the training place. New data visualizations such as momentum diagrams and zone cards as well as revised passing charts make it more clearer and easier than ever Previously, to realize how your decisions affect your chances of success, to diagnose problem areas and assess the most effective use of all cader members.

Managers who want to sink completely into the world of data analysis can even deeper into the Data Hub and ask their analysis team to create tailor-made reports of a variety of topics, such as: B. the percentage of the head balls obtained by their defenders compared to the rest of the league. Real clubs use the same metrics and reporting methods to improve their performance on the field - and soon that can also handle the FM benefits.


The developers write the developers about the match engine, improvements in the animations as well as the computer intelligent and the new role of the middle domestic defender:

A new animation engine ensures an even higher level of authenticity on the field when it was possible so far in the series. The movements of the players now look much more realistic and more natural, as the basic movement patterns were implemented - while dribbling systems were implemented and Ball Touches have been revised to make sure the players have a much greater range of motion, including the ability to turn the ball and even carry cruyff turns.

Significant KI improvements also provide a more realistic game flow in the course of a match. A revised pressing system means that players now have a concept of their sprint capacity and know when they can put pressure on their opponents and when not. The accuracy was refined to ensure that the Condition of the players has a greater impact on the accuracy of passports, shots and first touches.

New in the FM22 is also the master s role of the middle-defender that offers managers more flexibility at work with a triple chain. The central domestic defenders can be used as defenders, supporters or attackers, with the willingness to overlap and two-counter-one Situations increases, per offensive of the manager points his job.


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