Destiny 2: After this clip everyone wants a titanium in the PVP

The PVP ofDestiny 2 is not so relaxed because of Stasis as before. Especially the Stasis hunters are currently hard opponents and hardly to counter. Until now. A player shared the perfect blocker-Move against the ice-ulti rest and storm of the Stasis Hunter.

In Destiny 2 there are different game modes and combination options. Players can combine them freely and create their own build for each situation, such as RAIDS, Dawns, or Trials of Osiris, the weekly endgame PVP event.

Especially if it goes against guardian in the melting pot guardian against guardian, you also have to take into account the intelligence of his opponent.

10 Tips to Combat Stasis in PvP | Destiny 2 Beyond Light Players could spontaneously change their loadout. The team can be the right tactic match-crucial. Agreement is a team advantage to be underestimated to prevent opponent attacks. Knowledge about the skills of his opponents are essential.

A good counter is often crucial in the PVP of Destiny 2: That s why it s not bad if you know good counterattacks for some of the disturbing builds and skills. Here is always a look at the Destiny 2 community, as the counter-video of Keklordalmighty proves from a 6V6 PVP match. He plays empty titanium with protection of dusk and is very casual for the fact that three of his teammates are preserved before the safe ice cream.

Why is that cool: Stasis hunters currently have one of the most annoying supers in the game when it comes to PVP. These skills are hardly or difficult to counter. Who wants to win with an ice hunter in the team better chances. But apparently, the Titan now celebrates a PVP comeback because he can easily stop the iceweed of a Stasis hunter. This shows how powerful the bubble is against Stasis hunters.

The player agorillianbucks then brings it under the post to the point:

Unbelievable, you embody everything a titanium is: a wall, a defender and certainly a real annoyance for this Stasis hunter.

If you still need a few tips more to rock the trials, look here:

The Bubble of the Titan is an understood Ulti

In fact, the Bubble of the Titan in Destiny 2 does not belong to the first choice for a PVP match. But now it s the second time that you can score points in the PVP.

The first time in the Trials laboratories as Bungie has tried the mode elimination. Players also had to take random zones on the map. A titanium bubble placed on the flag was almost always a secure victory.

But the Titanbubble also has disadvantages: It is a good protection in many situations, but it is not possible for example from it. In addition, the titanium bubble is of course not indestructible. Players can go down with their own Ulti accordingly.

Very effective here are for example:

The Novabomb (upper tree): Heaved on the bubble lets you burst this bursts and the Nova visitors of the Warlock kill the titanium and all in it. The Golden Gun with Heavenly Nightwalk (upper tree): Here is a shot. Chaos voltage plus Geomag stabilizers: If the Warlock almost brings the entire Ulti to the bubble, she bursts. Code of the Commander with Harning the Sharpschnupp: Kill both the bubble as well as everything in the area.

What is your best counterattack in the PVP? Do you find the bubble of titan s underestimated? Or is a warlock with fountain of gloss rather because you can fire so?


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