Top 30 of the Best Games of the Decade - Part 1 - years - Video Peeling News, Instructions, Exemplary Procedures, Reviews and Cultu

A review of the greatest achievements of the medium in the last 10 years.

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# 29. Celeste

Normally, there is some dissonance between Gameplay and Story in each game, and developers are often difficult to combine both in a organic manner. Celeste is a rare example of a game that does that. The journey from Madeline to the top of the mountain and the personal growth that she goes through during this journey provide a truly gripping storytelling, while Celeste is probably one of the largest platform players in the field of gameplays, which has ever been created. It is not only mechanically solid, it also has an incredible level design and offers a considerable amount of entertaining content. It is another game that shows how far the Indies scene in our industry has been encouraging in recent years.

# 28. Travel

Journey surprised us all as it was published on the PS3 for the first time, because none of us really expected it is almost as good as it turned out. This is a game that masterfully creates everything that it intends to do. It takes you on a journey through a world that is scary, while the experience you can play with a stranger is strangely moving and touching. The simplest movements in Journey are strangely hypnotic, and the entire experience is further underpinned by some really excellent music and audio designs. One of the easiest ways to measure the success of a game is to investigate how many similar experiences inspired it in the following years. If this is the scale, after which we are directed, the excellence and the success of Journey are simply undeniable.

# 27. Telltale's The Walking Dead - Season 1

From all the games that came out in 2012, Telltal's graphic adventure adaptation of Robert Kirkmans The Walking Dead-Universe was the one who found ourselves the most - which surprises, because licensed properties are rarely good, let alone this memorable one. But the way Telltale adapted the gloomy and dangerous world of Graphic Novels and introduced their own unique twist with incredibly written and developed characters and masterful storytelling, the whole praise of the world deserves. It was rightly shot into the stratosphere, and although things were bad for the studio, it is undeniable that the Walking Dead's first season has influenced sustainably the industry in multiple terms.

# 26. Mario Kart 8

Nintendos Mario Kart series has always been a figurehead for chaotic, pointless fun. With their eighth episode, the series reached their peak. Mario Kart 8 is a scale that all Arcade racers should seek, as it has succeeded in incredibly well have fun and have some of the best and imagineral stretching designs they have ever seen in a racing game. Although it lacked the game at the appearance at the Wii U in 2014, it became the excellent support of Nintendo after the start to a game full of excellent titles and characters. Therefore, it is not surprising that Mario Kart 8 deluxe - united all this content in a single package - is one of the best games on the switch.

# 25. Metal Gear Solid V: the phantom pain

The rabid Metal Gear-Fangemeinde has a complicated relationship with Hideeo Kojima's last contribution to the series. Fans of the veteran series have always not denied the mechanical core strengths of The Phantom Pain, but are dissatisfied as it was different from his predecessors. But although the unfinished state of the game and the absence of a focus on telling stories definitely reduces the quality of its total experience, the sheer genius of its emerging, system-powered open-world gameplay and its incredible stealth mechanics ensure that it is still there is at least a masterpiece of the game design. The Phantom Pain is still one of the best games of this generation despite his numerous and very obvious shortcomings, should tell you something about how well its positive aspects are.

# 24. Portal 2

When Valve lights on all cylinders, it has no competition in the industry, and the genius of Portal 2 is proof of this statement. Portal 2 took over the excellent puzzle solution mechanics of the first game and advanced them incredibly. This was without a vague masterclass, how to make a puzzle game. In addition, the game was full of personality, with an excellent narrative, constantly funny and funny texts, unforgettable characters and even excellent co-op mode, which made the same fun as the single player campaign. As with all Valve things, portal does not appear to know how to count to 3, but we hope that that will change soon, since Portal 2 was an absolute gem and was not a single person in the world to say more of it would have been on offer .

# 23. Undertale

If there would ever be a game that could prove that a single person can produce with crazy ideas, large ambitions and a lot of talent games that themselves surpass the biggest blockbusters, understatale would be the right thing. Toby Fox 'Skurrile and Bizarre Creation is a brilliant factory that contains some of the best stories, writings and music you will ever find in a game. Added to this is the excellent combat mechanics of the game, its thematic consistency and one of the most famous figures we saw in a game in 2010 - of course we talk about Sans - and what they get is a unique, unforgettable and imperable experience.

# 22. Horizon: zero morning

Even now, it is a little difficult to fathom as well as Horizon: Zero Dawn is, especially when looking at the context that surrounds it. After Guerilla Games had worked for a decade of linear ego shooters, which were characterized by matt grays and brown tones, which were not necessarily known for their storytelling, she made a trust and published an open, world-historical role-playing game. They threw it absolutely out of the park. Horizon is beautiful to look at, his backdrop is alive and strikingly beautiful, his narrative is great and spotless in the execution, and it houses an excellent combat system, which thanks to its incredible and varied enemy design never bleed exciting. At their first attempt, Guerrilla managed to develop a role-playing game for the open world with a degree of self-confidence that suggests that they have been doing it for years, and they deserve the whole praise and the recognition of the world.

# 21. Batman Arkham City

Rocksteady surprised the entire industry when she batman: Arkham Asylum made, which was not only "for a superhero game", but just a great game was. It must have been a daunting task to pursue her that the developer has taken over with the utmost confidence. The result - Arkham City - was one of the best games of seventh console generation. Arkham City took the strong fight of his predecessor and mixed him with an excellent crossing of the open world and delivered a game that was a true to Batman fans. It has proved everything that is expected in a Batman experience, from the atmosphere and visual aesthetics to the history and occupation of the characters, not to mention the outstanding achievements that Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill rendered as Batman and Joker. It was a coronation for Rocksteady and is still considered a benchmark for superhero games.

# 20. Uncharted 4: The end of a thief

Uncharted is by no means forever past - Sony would be stupid to let one of her biggest released. But although Uncharted 4: a Thief's end was not the end, it was still an end to sign up as a serial reprodion Nathan Drake after a last hurray. And really, we could have no better say goodbye for him. Uncharted 4 is a perfect further development of everything uncharted stands. His action is exciting and exciting, his offset moments are unforgettable spectacles, his characters are adorable and their interactions are harmless, and his story has a maturity that the series has been needed for some time. That still does not take too serious. It is also a visual treat with some of the most impressive graphics that we have ever seen in a video game, while continuing the tradition of motion and performance, which is improved with any new Naughty Dog game. Uncharted 4 may have undergone an extremely difficult development cycle, but like the champions you are, Naughty Dog has managed to turn things in a spectacular way and probably the best game of the series.

# 19. Grand Theft Auto V

Six years after her start, games are usually not an active and important component of the time issue, but rather blurred memories. However, Grand Theft Auto 5 is a game that it simply refuses to say goodbye and enjoy the type of sales and players commitment that even games that came out only months ago may not enjoy. And it is not difficult to see why the game was so permanently successful - because it represents Rockstar in top form. It is an extremely chaotic, bombastic, mechanical and systemic deep-overcrowded GTA, which is coated with a shiny polish that applies equally for its equal large single player and online components. It is essentially the definition of "value for money".

# 18. Marvel's Spider-Man

Insomniac has made some excellent games over the years, from Spyro to Ratchet and Clank, from Resistance to Sunset Overdrive. So if we say that Spider-Man is their best work at all, then this is not so low praise, but it's the praise that it needs to be distributed yet. Marvels Spider-Man is a love letter to the legendary Wall Drawler, and every second of the game, only pretends to love and devotion for the character and the property, which makes it a true pleasure for Spidey fans. The best is the incredible webswinging, which is probably the biggest traversal mechanics we have seen in a game for years. The fight is fast, liquid, action-packed and makes a lot of fun. To round off the whole, the game tells one of the most likely best spider-man stories of all media, based on excellent texts and performances. Everything together in the well-great superherenname of all time.

# 17. Red Dead Redemption

Rockstar Games became a legend of the industry with the Grand Theft car franchise, but Red Dead Redemption is probably one of the best achievements of all time - which says a lot. In true rockstar fashion, it offers a masterfully designed, open world that is huge and always makes pleasure to explore and explore, but also a very strong and clear identity for yourself with your atmosphere, its much more informed history and their stories and an excellent occupation of characters. To solve things that have been constantly and comfortable for years, is never easy for developers, but that's exactly what Rockstar did. And they deserve all lobe hymns in the world that they do so on such a convincing and spectacular way.

# 16. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

No franchise company represents the genius of Nintendo and Super Smash Bros, and Super Smash Bros Ultimate is a game where you can not help but admire it. Super Smash Bros Ultimate is not just a feast for Nintendo, but for all video games. It shows Masahiro Sakurai from his craziest and ambitious side. The name of the game sounds absolutely right, because it really feels like the ultimate game, as it brings together all the characters ever in the series, and a ridiculous number of first and third-party franchises with sincere love and respect. In addition, some small but clever changes are made to the mechanical side, which makes the camphor experience much more pleasant and more balanced than the most recent predecessors. It's hard to fathom how Nintendo and Sakurai could ever be superior to what they have achieved with Smash Ultimate, but that's a problem for the future. In the here and now we are just glad that there is such a crazy and good game.


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